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Celebrate Diversity Month: This is me, Mandeep


April is Celebrate Diversity Month. 它成立于2004年,旨在承认和庆祝我们世界的多样性. It encourages us to emb比赛 and appreciate our unique qualities, whether related to gender, 比赛, 种族, 信仰, sexual orientation or any other aspect of our identity.

To recognize this month, we spoke to Mandeep Grewal, manager of the Training Centre of Expertise in Calgary, 听听她作为旁遮普裔加拿大人的成长经历,以及她对拥抱多样性的看法.



我丈夫和我有一个14岁的女儿,我们称自己为“三个火枪手”,” since she’s an only child. It’s never been lonely though, 因为我们花了很多时间和精力来培养与朋友和大家庭的亲密关系, 包括爷爷奶奶, 阿姨, uncles and cousins in Calgary. We do all the typical family things – go to the movies, 打篮球, 参加曲棍球比赛,并计划每月与表亲和祖父母一起过夜.

I’m a first-generation Punjabi-Canadian. 我的父母在20世纪70年代从印度移民到加拿大,为他们的家庭寻求更好的机会. We grew up in northeast Calgary, which is known for its cultural diversity; my dad was a taxi driver for 40 years, and my mom worked labour jobs. 我和我的兄弟们和许多其他移民孩子一起上学,经历了非常相似的情况——英语是第二语言. 

Mandeep and her husband, Rav

Mandeep and her husband, Rav

Although I was born and raised in Calgary, we stay connected to our Punjabi roots by speaking the language, watching Punjabi/Hindi movies, dressing in our attire and taking part in celebrations such as Vaisakhi1 和排灯节2. 我最喜欢我的文化的是它带给我的归属感和团结感. I love the language, vibrant colours, the rituals and customs. My culture has been a constant source of strength and identity.


Mandeep和她的家人穿着传统服装参加婚礼,比如salwar kameez和lenghas.

当我有幸参加迪尔吉特·多桑杰的音乐会时,这种自豪感尤其强烈, a renowned Punjabi artist, at the Saddledome in Calgary in 2022, alongside my family and colleagues in TC Energy’s executive suite. The sight of my parents – basking in the moment, 看着来自祖国的人与其他与他们相似的人一起在座无虚席的人群中表演,这是一个令人心酸的提醒,提醒我们代表的力量是多么强大.

这是我在TC能源倡导多元化、公平和包容的动力. 我希望其他人也能体验到我在工作时所感受到的包容感. 每个人的经验都很重要,我们员工的多样性是TC能源的一个优势. 当我们看到不同的艺术家在售罄的人群中演出时,同样的自豪感和归属感变得令人振奋, or when our ideas are heard and respected in full boardrooms. 我希望人们知道,他们独特的观点和经历使我们作为一个公司和社区变得更加强大. That when we celebrate our diversity, we are creating a safe space for everyone to share ideas, to grow and to feel included.

Looking back at my experiences, I wouldn't change a thing. 它们定义了今天的我——一个自豪的旁遮普裔加拿大女性,一个多元化和包容性的倡导者, 谁喜欢花时间与家人和朋友在一起,并在工作场所有所作为. 通过我的故事, I hope that people can see themselves represented in my message, 我可以继续激励其他人拥抱他们的独特性,庆祝多样性.

1Vaisakhi, 也被称为白饼, holds immense cultural and religious significance, particularly for the Sikh/Punjabi community worldwide. 它在每年的4月13日或14日庆祝,标志着旁遮普新年.

2 排灯节, often referred to as the Festival of Lights, 是印度秋天最重要、最广为庆祝的节日之一吗. 它象征着光明战胜黑暗,知识战胜无知,善良战胜邪恶. The festival typically spans five days, with the climax occurring on the night of the new moon, when the sky is at its darkest.

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